A wafer with Oasis

It's a good possibility to tell about Oasis. What is it? Where does it come from? Why am I a member of it? First things first.

The Light-Life Movement comes from... Poland! Yes, from my own country ;D It is one of the renewal movements in the Catholic Church and it is aimed at the formation of mature Christians who want to serve the Church and their neighbours. The founder of the Movement, Servant of God, Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki (1921–1987) instilled in his followers a vision of a parish as a living community of communities and a conviction that the renewal of the Church begins in a parish.

That's the theory. In practice it means that in almost every parish in Poland today there's a group of young people (or even whole families if we mention the Domestic Church) who want to deepen their faith, pray together, spend some time speaking about their life and Christ's presence in it. There are several various levels which the formation groups are at and every group has his own leader (as you remember, these leaders are named animators; an animator should be the soul of the group and the community).
If you want to find out something more about Oasis, click: http://www.light-life.oaza.pl/

So much text and nothing about what happend today!
I have to fix it, so... As you can see in the title, we met with our oasis community to share the wafer exchanging greetings. Of course, we had celebrated a Holy Mass before ;) Then, after the Mass and the sharing, we ate cakes, cookies and fruits which we had brought from our homes. Everyone seemed pleased and happy that we could meet so quickly after Christmas to celebrate and sing some carols.
Oh, I've almost forgotten! Everybody had bought a little gift for someone else and our moderator (a leader of the animators and the whole community) handed them to every single person. Very nice tradition, isn't it?

That's all, thank you for your attention :D
See you soon!


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