First Sunday after Christmas

The end of the celebration has finnaly come :P Too much food, really. How could I thrust so much into my stomach? I don't know. But I love it :D
What is important, I was talking to Eve last night. And maybe that was not as though she had been the happiest person throughout the world, however, we were chatting normally.
Another thing, our uncle who was staying by us several nights, went home. Though he lives in Poznań, he spends Christmas and other holidays with us because his family just fell apart. 

What's more, today I went to church 2 times (oh, what a religious man!) because I had to go at 9:30 and 12:30 ;p
First time, at 9:30, because I am an animator (it isn't proper word but I have no idea how to translate it. Animator in 'Light-Life Movement' (aka Oasis) is a leader of a small formation group. Though the name seems to derive from an "animation" it actually derives from a Latin word 'anima' which means 'soul'. Some day I will tell more about Oasis ;p) and I'd been chosen to read a reading on a Mass so it was a kind of duty.
Second time - I sung with the choir :D And we wished our parish priest all the best for his name day.

And that's all for today! Best regards!


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