Shopping time!

Hello there!
It's much earlier today and I can write something more intelligent :)
Like yesterday, I went to a morning Mass, treating myself to a hot weather outside. I'm not a big fan of winter and cold and that's why I'm very glad seeing such a beautiful spring on the winter line :D
Today I had a great challenge to carry out - shopping. But not usual, oh no. I had to buy presents for my family and hide them from my nearest and dearest. Yes, I know, it's a little late for it. I couldn't do it before, though, because I had spent all my money for my two driving tests (which I didn't even pass). Only thanks God, I got some money during last week. Some I earned giving private lessons and some my mum gave me when she found out that I had spent so much (I hadn't asked her!).
Anyway, after my parents had left and I had eaten the breakfast, I went to the shops. I'm really not good at shopping. I hate queuing and I don't manage well buying presents because I almost never know what someone wants to get. It's always a big relief when I conceive of an idea what to buy.
Finally, I've bought 2 books which I find pretty interesting (even for me, not to mention their future owners), a few bars of chocolate and... several pairs of socks specially for my father (he's always complainig that he has too few them and I have too many). I see that it's not a pile of dreams-fulfilling goods but it'll be enough.

I didn't mention that before but I'm an young Polish student, a freshmen of English Philology and I've decided to write my diary here. You guess right - it's exercise :D And I think I'm going to like it.

Greetings from Poland and Merry Christmas!


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